November 15, 2019
For immediate release
For more information, contact:
Pamela Stalcup, PCA-NJ & ChildWIN
Office: 732-246-8060 x123
Cell: 732-484-9977
E-mail: [email protected]S
TRENTON, NJ, November 15, 2019: At the New Jersey State House, Prevent Child Abuse-New Jersey (PCA-NJ) Executive Director Rush Russell provided an overview of what he deemed “one of the most powerful public health reports of the last 50 years” — the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Vital Signs November 2019 report: Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) – Preventing Early Trauma to Improve Adult Health. The new report found that preventing ACES could reduce the incidence of depression by 44% and reduce cases of other major chronic health condition, such as heart disease, by more than 10%. Russell stated, “These findings are astounding – where else can you find, in one place, solutions to complex social and health challenges in the U.S.?”
Senator Joseph Vitale (D-Middlesex) presented a summary of Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 100, which he co-sponsored, urging the Governor to develop strategies to prevent children’s exposure to ACEs. Vitale added, “It is paramount that every legislator and elected official across the country at all levels learn about the ACE study and what it means for policies.”
Christine Norbut Beyer, Commissioner of the New Jersey Department of Children and Families, stated “Five of the top ten leading causes of death in the United States are associated with ACEs.” She added, “At DCF, we’re incorporating an ongoing study of ACES in our work to keep New Jersey residents safe, healthy and connected.”
Deborah Hartel, Deputy Commissioner of the New Jersey Department of Health said, “As public health professionals, it’s important that we understand Adverse Childhood Experiences and their long-term impact on chronic disease and behavioral health.” She added, “Investing in trauma-informed care and ACEs prevention makes sense because ACEs are so tied to the health and social challenges that it should be the foundation of our response to the CDC report.”
PCA-NJ Senior Vice President Gina Hernandez noted that the agency created a new subsidiary, the Child Wellness Institute of New Jersey (ChildWIN), in direct response to the scientific evidence showing the direct correlation between higher ACE scores and higher incidences of depression, obseity and other chronic health conditions. Hernandez discussed the positive outcomes of ChildWIN’s Trauma Transformation Initiative in schools and after-school programs. She stated that most teachers and parents do not know about ACEs and how prior trauma affects a child’s ability to learn. Hernandez added, “A child wins when an entire community promotes safety, healing and nurturing.”
Founded in 1979, Prevent Child Abuse-New Jersey promotes “Great Childhoods”, positive parenting and healthy child development. Its evidence-based programs are designed to prevent child abuse and neglect in all forms for all NJ children.
Visit or call 732-246-8060 x123

L-R: Susan Staloff, PCA-NJ Board; Senator Joseph Vitale;
NJ DCF Commissioner Christine Norbut Beyer; Rush Russell,
PCA-NJ Executive Director; Middle Township Police Chief
Christopher Leusner; PCA-NJ Senior VP Gina Hernandez;
NJ DOH Deputy Commissioner Deborah Hartel; and
Harvey Lermack, PCA-NJ Board Vice President.